Time for Cherries By Camille Labanca

The author was able to show you the long relationship that developed between them There is not much I can say about this novella because it s only 40 pages and I do not want to give the ending away I had only one issue with this ebook I realize the author must have wrote this in Spanish and it was translated into English There were a lot of grammatical errors and at first it took me some time to get past it and read the book However when i was able to ignore it I was really able to get into this story and I loved it I am glad I read this novella Camille Labanca I was given a copy of this novella for an honest review Warning this review contains spoilers proceed with caution. Melissa is a university student.

It didn t take away from the story but I do hope for the authors sake it gets a few sweeps through an editor translator Over all it was and okay read for what it was Camille Labanca I rate Time for Cherries 3 Stars Melissa is a victim of rape and regrettably believes she is at fault She now attends the University of Rio where she meets Lucas He is the light she currently needs to shed the darkness from the past that haunts her After Melissa confides in Lucas he makes it his mission to show her the beauty of everything that comes with being in love Due to the sensitive subject I believe this Novella should have been a short story to allow time for the conflict to develop I needed the relationship with Lucas to be in detail It became unbelievable to me when they had relations especially after her ordeal because as a reader I was not convinced they were in love Overall.

This story has potential I liked it and applause for all the Lucas in the world Camille Labanca I received this book from the author for free for an honest review. This is story about a young lady who has issues and having a hard time overcoming them Also about a guy who will stop at nothing to help her move past what happen to her It was a short but sweet love story of overcoming fear and learning how to let someone love and take care of you I only gave it 3 stars because it is rather short i know it was only an novella But i would of loved to see this story line play out and not have it feel so rushed It took me 30 mins to read Other then that it was a delightful story I recommend it to anyone look for a quick read about life and love Camille Labanca This story is short but it s sooo good never thought such a short novella could be this good Even though it s a bit confusing well.

It contains a positive outlook for the main character It does contain mature scenes right from the prologue My overall favorite aspect of the novella are the song lyrics found at the beginning of each chapter They promote a slight preview of the chapter to come Plus one of my favorite bands Imagine Dragons lyrics were used as well It was an okay book to read in one sitting Camille Labanca I received this book from the author for free in exchange for an honest review Thank you so much Time for Cherries is a story of a young woman s struggle to find worth in her damaged self It tells the story of Melissa.

Insecurity s and blame issues. The writing was off sometimes but maybe it was the translation but a great ending and a perfect love story Let me say that is not very original story but it was very entertaining If you are looking for a story in between series of books you should try this book. 5 stars This was a fun novella to read I was able to sit and read this in one sitting Melissa was hurt and she was having to deal with the pain that came with what happened to her She did not believe that she could ever feel love or be wanted by any decent man She meets Lucas and he becomes her knight and shining armor He wants to prove to her that she can be loved and that there is such a thing as true love I loved this short story I enjoyed watching Melissa and Lucas together even though this story is short working a part time job and living with her cousin She s never had a boyfriend guys were the furthest thing from her mind but on the other hand they were front and center in her mind as well Every sound every creek keeps her on alert She has a story a secret that no one can know She was raped and like most victims she only blames herself And is living in fear and disgust Would all men be the same Would she ever feel safe and comfortable in the arms of one Then she meets Lucas Could he be just the guy to help her over come her fears To make her realize that she isn t to blame and to help her heal and live again Time for Cherries was a quick read about rape facing your fears and over coming them and finally being able to move on. 5 stars Not overly original as many New Adult books deal with this subject matter but nonetheless still held my interest I do have some beef but understandable beef Not to be harsh at times I felt the writing fell flat There is definitely room for some improvement Another issue this story has been translated into English and some things in the writing are a little off due to said translation Which is fine for me in the beginning but it turns into a good plot. it s simple to the point but really good and sweet Despite the characters names are lil bit difficult for me and I m not a fan of third person point of view novels I really enjoyed reading this thanks to the author for giving me free copy of this book I m glad I read it Camille Labanca Time for Cherries THIS NEW ADULT NOVELLA CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR THOSE UNDER 18 YEARS OLD Life wasn t subtle with Melissa and the secret that she keeps is the same that kills her When she enter into a prestigious university in Rio de Janeiro to attend a journalism course she meets Lucas He soon establishes a goal get to know her better to the point of finding out all the details that scare animate and make her who she is If Melissa will be ready to let him go well that s another question And nobody said he gives up easily Time for CherriesI was given this book for free by the author on goodreads for an honest review Overall it is a pretty short and sweet story The only drawback is that the translation is quite literal Sometimes it does not make sense or ends up being comical As taking someone to the toilet to fix a cut However in my case it helped a lot that I know Spanish and could decipher what was meant Due to the translation issues it may seem like the story is too abrupt in parts The premise of the story is marked by positiveness after a devastating event takes place in the life of Melissa She is living her life by a set of self imposed limitations until she meets Lucas Lucas love and patience is just the medicine Melissa needs to heal I think that even though the subject matter has been written before a rape victim who ever since then has blamed herself for what has happened to her She then applies herself to so many things can t allow herself to be distracted to the point that she doesn t allow herself to be uprooted from her carefully planned university life in Rio. There she meets the guy who might just save her from the torment of her nightmares and show her that her deep seated fears are none of her fault at all but it could very well be the way to fixing her somehow Lucas is a perfect example of a guy that Melissa needs in her life. After their intimate encounter something I didn t expect but it was sweet nonetheless the person who Melissa fears the most shows up Finally she has the chance to undo her fears and Lucas is just the guy to help her through that At one point It got a little frustrating for me because none of this really was Melissa s fault Victim blaming is a big deal for me and it was really hard to hear her justify what happened to her like she asked for it All in all it was a short but lovely uplifting read towards the end I just wished the translation I was provided with was descriptive and that there was to it Camille Labanca A Short novella about a Girl with A lot of personal issues her struggles and gaining the confidence to fall in love and trust. Is base in Rio de Janeiro where she meets Lucas a boy that will help her thru all her troubles through everything she went through A lot of this novella reminded me of Easy with the situation and the name but it was a good book regardless and had is unique points that gave it the 4 stars it deserves I read this in 10 minutes because I was so caught up in the story I definitely want a Lucas for my own now Camille Labanca Esta novela foi escrita pela querida Camille do Projeto Beletristas Tive a honra de ler o livro a pedido da Camille antes do lan amento e n o posso expressar minha felicidade quando ela me pediu para l lo Mille muito obrigada pela confian a amiga Em Tempo de Cerejas temos a hist ria de Melissa uma jovem estudante que aos 15 anos passou por uma das piores experi ncias que uma adolescente pode passar e isso deixou uma marca profunda nela Anos mais tarde ela conseguiu realizar um sonho entrar na UFRJ Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro no curso de jornalismo Ela tem que abrir m o de algumas coisas mas tudo por seu sonho Na faculdade ela conhece Lucas uma pessoa que pode ajud la a curar suas cicatrizes do passado mas n o algo t o simples assimSentiu dor muita dor que n o a abandonou como todos falavam que ia abandonar Foi embora quando se viu livre quebrada de formas que n o conseguiria descrever Passou minutos no banho tentando tirar as sensa es do corpo mas s conseguiu sentir nojo Nojo de si mesma Nojo de si mesma por n o ter sido mais forte. Tempo de Cerejas me pegou de surpresa e foi me conquistando cada linha A hist ria criada pela Camille uma hist ria aparentemente simples e por ser uma novela que menor que um livro pode parecer ainda mais simples Mas a beleza da novela da Camille est na narrativa no modo como ela conseguiu nos passar os sentimentos dos personagens suas ang stias seus medos seus desejos J no pr logo percebemos essa qualidade da autora o pr logo intenso e n s leitores sentimos isso com clareza uma cena bastante forte mas escrita com suavidade onde a descri o emocional mais importante e impactante do que a descri o f sica Melissa uma personagem bem interessante mas sofre muito devido ao que aconteceu no seu passado e conseguimos sentir isso muito bem atrav s das palavras da Camille Os personagens foram bem desenvolvidos Mesmo sendo uma novela ou seja tem um tamanho um pouco menor e as coisas devem acontecer com uma velocidade maior tanto os personagens quanto a hist ria tiveram um bom desenvolvimento e n o senti que faltou nada. E esperou tendo a certeza de que ele logo inventaria uma desculpa e iria embora Quase queria que ele fizesse exatamente isso para provar a si mesma que estava quebrada e ningu m ningu m iria concert la Nem ela mesma. Tempo de cerejas n o simplesmente um romance sobre amor aceita o supera o uma hist ria com um amor t o sincero t o puro muito bonito ver como os personagens principalmente a Melissa v o evoluindo com o passar da hist ria o como o relacionamento com Lucas a ajuda a crescer e conseguir viver com as cicatrizes do seu passado O romance lindo doce mas tamb m bastante sexy e t o palp vel O casal tinha uma grande naturalidade n o como se a Camille os tivesse criado mas como se eles fossem reais Confesso que talvez por ser apaixonaaaada por romances gostaria de um pouco mais daquelas cenas rom nticas mas acredito que isso venha de um gosto pessoal por cenas de romance e n o diminuiu em nada o quanto gostei a novela A autora tamb m soube inserir comicidade em certos momentos que trouxe um clima mais leve para a hist ria Tamb m teve um plot twist totalmente inesperado que contribuiu muito para a hist ria Foi o primeiro trabalho que li da Camille e com certeza lerei mais do que ela escrever Consegue Voc forte Mel Muito mais do que consegue ver Mas eu vejo e eu sei que voc consegue disse beijando delicadamente seu pesco o Ainda assim n o precisa fazer isso sozinha Se quiser estarei com voc Vamos resolver isso juntos. PS a Camille inseriu trechos de m sicas entre os cap tulos que ficaram sensacionais se relacionam muito bem com a hist ria e s o de m sicas maravilhosas como esse de Demons do Imagine Dragons When your dreams all failAnd the ones we hailAre the worst of allAnd the blood s run stale4. i received this book for my honest review Camille Labanca I recieved this book from the author for free for an honest review. I never though such a short novella could make me cry as much as this one did Melissa was a really well developed character and I really felt emotions for her.

3. Even so this novella is only 40 pages it transmits a powerful story A difficult issue Rape and how she feels guilty about it and thinks it was her fault that it happened.I gave it 3.5 stars Due to translation and writing.Story wise I would have to give it 3.5 5Love alwaysFranciellehttp www.theserialreader.com 2014 0 Camille Labanca.