Tales of the Vietnam War #1: Saigon Tea By William Millan

Tales of the Vietnam War #1: Saigon Tea

Tales of the Vietnam War #1: Saigon Tea By William Millan
Kindle Edition
The Vietnam War is at its height In a district of the Delta totally cut off by land from civilization by Viet Cong territory a small team of Americans try to win with night ambushes leading Vietnamese militiamen. They have some success and between missions they live pretty well for wartime But a lot of them are dying in the process In this story first of a cycle set in the same place young Captain Walker Reid recalls his affair with a Saigon Tea girl named Betsey who worked at the President Hotel in Can Tho It does not end happlly Neither did the war But it s a good story Read on Tales of the Vietnam War 1 Saigon Tea.