The Death and Burial of Cock Robin By Unknown

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers You may find it for free on the web Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery The Death and Burial of Cock RobinWho Killed Cock Robin was one of my favourite nursery rhymes from The Dean s Gift Book of Nursery Rhymes when I was a tyke So other versions tend to catch my eye and I came across this little standalone book version on Project Gutenberg I still enjoy that familiar text and the coloured illustrations of this book were sort of charming The Death and Burial of Cock Robin Tak pasti sama ada buku ini buku kanak kanak atau tidak.

Tetapi pengkisahannya memang pendek mudah difahami dan memiliki banyak ilustrasi hitam putih Cuma ceritanya sahaja terasa seperti tidak sesuai kerana Cock Robin telah dibunuh oleh burung lain Agak tidak sesuai untuk kanak kanak membacanya tetapi pada masa yang sama buku ini memberi tunjuk ajar kepada pembaca bagaimana proses pengebumian si mati itu dijalankan Satu persatu cara ditunjukkan yang meyakinkan saya bahawa buku ini sebenarnya sedang memahamkan kanak kanak akan tatatertib pengebumian seseorang The Death and Burial of Cock Robin There are numerous versions of this nursery rhyme I like this one from 1865 because of the minotaur I do not know who Master Meanwell is The Death and Burial of Cock Robin Murder most fowl Cock Robin beloved by most is murdered and needs to be buried for Pete s sake This children s story is told as a nursery rhyme. Check it out It s a short tale And you ll learn about different birds The Death and Burial of Cock Robin Books can be attributed to Unknown when the author or editor as applicable is not known and cannot be discovered If at all possible list at least one actual author or editor for a book instead of using Unknown: Books whose authorship is purposefully withheld should be attributed instead to Anonymous.The Death and Burial of Cock Robin.

About the Author: Unknown

Books can be attributed to "Unknown" when the author or editor (as applicable) is not known and cannot be discovered. If at all possible, list at least one actual author or editor for a book instead of using "Unknown".

Books whose authorship is purposefully withheld should be attributed instead to Anonymous.