Blazing New Trails (Pages of History #2) By Bruce Etter

Blazing New trailsafe

Perfect for family story time or individual study Pages of History transports the reader through the timeline of the world providing a view of God s work in every age This second volume covers the last two series Explorers to 1815 and 1815 to the Present in the Veritas Press history series James and Lance find themselves in a life or death situation in 16th century England James has been jailed for treason to the Catholic Church under the evil reign of Bloody Mary He prays for an escape that only Lance can help him pull off James struggles with helping Lance to understand God s hand in history while Lance is undergoing a transformation of his own An excellent engaging narrative covering modern history You ll love this series Blazing New Trails Pages of History 2 Fun way for kids to learn some history but this book felt rushed in the final chapters as if a publishing deadline loomed Hardcover Great book to introduce young children to history Hardcover Blazing New Trails (Pages of History #2).