Malala Yousafzai: A Brave Woman in a Tough TimeThe Modern Day Rosa Parks By Danielle Matthews

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A girl with a dream for all womenMalala is a teen aged girl known around the world for fighting for education for all women The Taliban doesn t like her push for equality and wish her dead They did shoot her but she survived to continue with her dream this time with the whole world having her back Her message will make changes in my country in the near future This is her story English Are you curious as to what has occurred in the middle east with education Do you want to meet the woman who changed it all Most of us are accustomed to saying the things that are on our mind without repercussions for those things We can say these things thanks to freedom of speech given to us in the Fifth Amendment of the constitution of the United States of America When we speak we never think that we will face any type of trouble.


Much less have someone try to kill us for those words But the young Malala Yousafzai knows all too well the harsh reality of speaking your mind and in turn receiving the harshest of consequence She was shot in the head and left to die What could have been so bad that someone would want to shoot this young girl It wasn t just anyone that shot Yousafzai it was the Taliban And while most people can go to school every day and earn their education the Taliban ordered Yousafzai banned from school Military operations began and several days of school were missed by Yousafzai A student writing for the Broad Casting website Yousfazai used her Gul Makai blog to decipher the events going on in the Swat Valley with girls and the ban from earning an education She had been writing for the blog about matters of the Taliban for a couple of years What you ll learn inside Who Malala is Why one should learn about Malala What Malala did that impacted the entire middle east And much MUCH Malala Yousafzai A Brave Woman in a Tough TimeThe Modern Day Rosa ParksMalala Yousafzai: A Brave Woman in a Tough TimeThe Modern Day Rosa Parks.